Media Training in Zurich

  • Media Training in Zurich

    Masterclass - Media Training in Zurich

    Question and answer situations can be incredibly stressful! Questions at a roundtable, an interview, or after a presentation can be difficult to answer. Fortunately, there are tools to help you prepare quickly and to answer even difficult and unexpected questions. We offer to teach you these tools in a half-day workshop. With a maximum of 6 attendees, you will learn and practice these tools in a comfortable and fun setting. This open enrollment course is now available in Zurich and Martigny, Switzerland, for 550 CHF/person.

    Here are the dates:

    Training Course DatesDays of WeekLocation & AvailabilityBooking Link
    April 10, 2025ThursdayZurichBook Course
    August 29, 2025FridayMartignyBook Course
    Times: 8:30-12:30


    Learn more here:          Media Training Details          Reserve 1/2-Day Media Training


    Presentation and Media Trainer

    Kimberly VanLandingham is the CEO of European Market Link Sàrl, the owner of Presentation Training She has 12 years of training experience and 20 years of experience with DuPont, including as a business leader and as a product spokesperson on TV and radio. Today, she offers training in public speaking and media training to international business leaders and technical teams. She has a Masters in cross-cultural communication and a BS in engineering.



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